Sunday, July 15, 2007

little brothers.

I've been spending a lot of time with my little brothers lately and it's been pretty awesome. They're getting so much older, a little bit more mature, but they've grown so much in the last few years. It's really cool that we can hang out on the weekends with each other, joke around and laugh together. They are becoming some pretty cool young adults, and I am so proud to have such a great family. These two might be the biggest hams in the house, but they sure are cute aren't they?

This is a composition book I made for Dylan. It was so cute, he saw me making one for our grandma and he says, "hey, what are you making? That's kind of cool... will you make me one?" SO cute! It makes me smile that he takes pride in my art ♥

1 comment:

Mika said...

Love your blog and the notebook.
Hope to see you sometime on my blog.
Have a great day, \Mika