I think I should start out by explaining my blog title. It's pretty random, but I had a horrible time thinking of possible titles. When consulting my good friend Sara, she gave me the following titles:
blogs: they melt in your mouth, not in your hand
tippy canoe and tyler too
simon & garfunkle's greatest hits
Sara cracks me up! But since I've had nothing but school on the brain for the past, oh, four months, I decided on something that my biology teacher ALWAYS says that I think is super cute. Whenever she is explaining how two individuals are attracted to each other (and individuals can mean anything from anthropods to zooplankton) she always uses something along the lines of, "Ooh La La, look over here, I've got the good genes, come mate with me!" or when they're going to have some "Ooh La La fun" I think it's hilarious. I'm going to miss her next semester.
So it's the last few weeks of school, and I'm beyond stressed out. I made a list of things I have to accomplish in the next two weeks, and it's overwhelming to say the least. It keeps me up at night thinking of how i'm ever going to get through it. Here's what my next few weeks look like:
4/26 - Organic Chemistry Lab writeup due.
4/26 - Biology Exam #4 on micro and macroevolution, invertebrates and vertebrates.
4/30 - Film Midterm Due. Three extra credit short film reviews also due.
4/30 - O-chem quiz: chapter 22 aldol reactions
5/1 - Organic Chem research synthesis project due
5/1 - Biology lab quiz
5/3 - Organic Chem Lab writeup due.
5/3 - Biology research project due.
5/3 - Biology Lab Pratical
5/7 - Organic Chem Exam #3
5/8 - Biology Oral Report
Then I get about a week and a half of non-academic activity (just studying my head off) until one more Biology exam, then finals week. The only perk being I get to house sit the week before to two weeks after finals, so I'll have a huge house all to myself with NO distractions where I can have quiet study groups, and a hot tub to relax in when it's all over. I can't wait until summer vacation when I can scrapbook and paint and write more blogs and go to the beach and take TONS of pictures and who knows maybe even go shopping! Oh, and if you can't tell, i'm a HUGE fan of run-on sentences :)
And in true Elsie Flannigan style (she totally inspired this blog) I'll leave you with a picture of me at my finest, wearing my beloved lab goggles! Jordan wishes he was a nerd like me :)